Curriculum vitae Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Based on my job application i have submitted yesterday, namely to become a Record Producer, I'm gonna present my Curriculum Vitae. The following video is intended for Sean Miyashiro as the CEO of 88rising recording label. First and foremost, let me introduce myself. My name is Farhan Nafis Rayhan. I am a male from Bandung, Indonesia. I was born on October 28th, 1992. I am a moslem, and i live in Durma Street 2 number 1, Bandung. I can be contacted via my email or my phone number +6281311106310 The following are my educational background and my work experiences, Achievement in both academic and non academics, also my abil...
PROCEDURE VIDEO: CARDISTRY TUTORIAL Hi Everyone, it's been a long time since i made something on this blog, but i finally got another assignment to work on here so yeah, im finally back at it again. The assignment for this blog is about procedure texts, and we're instructed to make a procedure video, which im actually very exited for it. I was considering to record a tutorial on how to make a garlic bread. But then i was informed that it was prohibited to make videos about food or cooking, so i must decide on something else. It took me a while to think about it, untill i remembered that i haven't made a Cardistry video since may last year, and i also realize that i could put a cardistry video in the intro. So i decided to make a tutorial on cardistry, especially the move "The Werm" since it's one of the easiest moves to teach. Her...